Commercial Blinds Specialists
020 8370 1092
Monday to Friday 9.30am - 5pm
  • Custom made window blinds including venetian, vertical, roller & electric blinds designed to fit your space from Office Blinds UK


We have worked with many clients throughout the UK and have experience working with a wide range of industry sectors, allowing us to provide tailor made soloutions in your their organisation. Some of our clients in the UK include:

A - C      G - I      N - P      U - Z
Alterian Technology      Global Bet Brokers      New Southgate Cemetery      University of Chester
Assetgrove      Hamels Consultants LLP      Newcome Property Services      William Verry Construction
Castle Blair Ltd      Homes & Mortgages      North Bute Primary School      YMCA
City Arts (Nottingham) Ltd      Interface      Parnell House       
       Island Day Programme      Pilgrims Way Primary School       
City of London Police             PPG       
- Wood Street             PT Lighting       
- Bishopsgate      J - M              
- Victoria Street      James Johnson              
       Job Centre Plus      S - T       
Community Links New Deal      Leon Jaeggi & Sons Ltd      Sainsburys       
       Median Recruitment      Shared Intelligence       
       Metronet Rew Stores      Somerfield Stores       
D - F      Metropolitan Police      Sparkes Potter Mason       
Dyson      Mokum Change Management Ltd      Stanhope Surgery       
-Head Office      Mowlem & Co      Stonehouse Estates       
-Press Office             Tate Residential       
-Kings Road             Telemark Ltd       
              Terlis Construction       
Eden Club             The Summit       
Fineman Ross             Tradecarfe PLC       
Fit Out (UK) Ltd                     

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